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- 22
Aug -
Author : Claudia Category : General, Women's Strength
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Moms, this post is being written in an attempt to make you aware of the dangers of alcohol and drug usage. I understand that divorce plays havoc on your emotions and that many women resort to alcohol or prescription drugs in order to feel less pain.
You need to be aware of what can happen when usage becomes addiction. Whatever the reason is that you are drinking or using prescription drugs doesn’t matter. What does matter in each and every case is the welfare of your children.
You may have heard about the Florida mother who allegedly tried to sell her five year old son for $2,000.00. According to the news, Jessica Marie Beers attempted to sell her son to a couple who belonged to her church.
James Gardner, the husband advised local authorities about the offer that Beers had made. He advised authorities that he believes that Beers has a prescription drug addiction and that he believes that she wanted the money to buy the drugs.
Gardner was advised to continue with the trade of the boy for a payment of $2,000 as a sting operation. When Jessica Marie Beers arrived at the prearranged destination to make the swap, she was arrested. Her son was taken into protective custody.
The reason that I am sharing this with you is in an effort to help you think about doing some soul searching. Divorce is difficult. Believe me, I get that. Please watch the alcohol and the prescription drugs. You are probably saying that this kind of story has nothing to do with you. You are probably thinking that this would never happen to you or your kids.
I bet you also said that your marriage would never end in divorce. You were wrong about that. Is it possible that you might be wrong about anything else?
Photo: david_shankbone