Preliminary investigations indicate that the captain of the Costa Concordia erred in judgement and took his ship off course. He piloted the ship too close to shore and caused it to run aground. To make matters worse, he abandoned ship while passengers remained on board. The Coast Guard confirmed that he boarded a lifeboat to save his own life. Now Costa Cruises is up the proverbial creek because of the horrific consequences of “Captain Coward’s” poor choices.
My thoughts and prayers go out to the families and the victims of this needless ship wreck.
The news of this sinking ship brings my memory back to a post I wrote a while back. In the post, I made an analogy about stay at home moms and sinking ships.
… Suddenly, the family hears sirens blaring and the ship begins to list. The ship is sinking. Mom immediately helps the children on with their life jackets. Dad puts on his life jacket and takes his wife’s hand. OOPS! Where’s Mom’s life jacket? Mom wasn’t prepared.
If you are a stay at home mom, please think about the analogy when you hear more news about the Costa Concordia.