Some of the most important words of advice that I can give my clients are ones regarding perspective. When people get caught up in anger and hurt, perspective is lost.
The key to saving money during your divorce is dependent on how well you and your soon to be ex can communicate and control your emotions. If you are able to control your anger, you will be ahead of the game. No matter what has happened in the past, you need to keep it in the past. If your spouse has cheated, has a new girlfriend or has hurt you in anyway, let it go. I realize that is easier said than done.
Possibly the most destructive and expensive emotion is triggered by jealousy. When the idea of wanting revenge comes into play, divorce costs skyrocket.
In far too many cases, attorneys tell women that they will get more if they…
- Stall the divorce.
- Don’t agree to mediation.
- Go to divorce court.
- Fight long and hard.
- Make him pay.
Please don’t fall for anything that seems too good to be true. The only one’s who will end up ahead are the attorneys.
Photo: darastar