Many of you are having a difficult time with the bills now that you have separated from your husbands. I have received quite a few emails asking my opinion about the idea of getting a “housemate” or a “boarder” to help share the expenses. This question is often from stay at home moms.
Like with all things, there are pros and cons. In a perfect world, the boarder would be of the same sex, honest, responsible, courteous, respectful of people and property, helpful and pleasant.
In a not so perfect world, all kinds of things can come into play. If you have children, you must be extremely cautious and do some sleuthing if you are considering having a “boarder” in your home.
Questions to ask and have answered.
- What do I really know about this person?
- Does this person have reliable character witnesses?
- Does this person have a full time job?
- Does this person have children?
- Is this person well kept in appearance?
- What kind of car does this person drive? (Look inside the car. That will tell you a lot!)
- Where does this person live now?
- What is this person’s credit history?
- Do I know if this person has been convicted of a crime?
- Why does this person want to become my boarder?
- What is my gut feeling about this person?
After doing a thorough check on this person, make your decision by weighing the pros and cons. Remember, you can’t be too careful.
Photo: Meg and Rahul