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Author : Claudia Category : Divorce Coach
Tags : divorce, divorce and children, divorce coach, parental alienation, stay at home moms divorce, womens divorce
Those of you who are regulars here, know that I do indeed post appropriate comments. When I say appropriate, I do not mean that the comment necessarily agrees with what I say here. Below is a comment made on the post, Parental Alienation At Its Worst.
I am writing this post in an effort to offer you perspective in divorce issues and to show Donna that the purpose of this site is NOT to bash men. Like everything in life, there are always good and bad, ethical and unethical, vindictive and forgiving, self righteous and owning mistakes. That pertains to men and women because there are always two sides to every story.
As an explanation to you Donna, I help women deal with divorce. Because I was blindsided by my own divorce and totally unprepared for what was to come, it has been my mission to help women learn about the process and protect themselves financially and emotionally. I began this site over a decade ago and offered my insights free of charge for over three years. The site was originally called Divorce For Stay At Home Moms. As years went by and more and more women asked for my help, both this site and I evolved into what it is and what I am today. I am a women’s divorce coach because that is where my expertise is.
In addition, as you can tell from many of my posts, most divorce attorneys do not rate very high on my approval list. That said, there are certainly exceptions because just like I mentioned in paragraph two, there are good and bad, ethical and unethical attorneys.
My goal is to help women keep perspective and remain aware of how divorce hurts children. I am proud to say that over the years, I have helped women save thousands upon thousands of dollars that they would have otherwise wasted on legal fees and divorce court.
So now to Paula’s comment:
Part of the problem that keeps the big money industry that is divorce court thriving and making lawyers rich at the destruction of our children, our financial lives and even our health our the people (men too) that contantly iterate that this problem is caused by males or females. this problem is caused by agressive, narcissistic people who care more about themselves than their children. there are many good fahers out there that have done absolutely nothing wrong who are wronged by the court and the women they were with are destroying hteir chidren by participating in Parent alienation. some even become so emboldended that they dont care tht they are being recorded when they do these heinous crimes against there own babies. the reason they are getting away with this is because womens groups keep saying that all men are bad and that children always belong with the mother (besides clear evidence that supports that children are best when they are with both parents. Don’t get me wrong mens groups do the same thing and they all preache the same mantra that is upported on nearly every lawyers website. that you must be willing to do anything to win. this keeps the lawyers in control and this industry rolling while men and women go for each others throats. shame on you and every mans group that does the same. I doubt you’ll have the courage to post this TRUE statement of facts. then mens groups wont post it either.
At some point in time, people have to realize that it is the system that is wrong. that if it does not create these monstrous people then it is doing everything to kepp them monstrous because thats how the the lawyers and the people in the system make money.
Paula, I agree with most of what you said but I do not agree with a couple of your points.
- the reason they are getting away with this is because womens groups keep saying that all men are bad and that children always belong with the mother – This is not an accurate statement.
- clear evidence that supports that children are best when they are with both parents – This is partly true but it is not true when one or both parents are not emotionally healthy or stable.
- that you must be willing to do anything to win. this keeps the lawyers in control and this industry rolling while men and women go for each others throats – This is a frighteningly accurate statement.
- shame on you and every mans group that does the same. I doubt you’ll have the courage to post this TRUE statement of facts. then mens groups wont post it either. – This is an inaccurate statement.
- people have to realize that it is the system that is wrong – Our system does need some major repair in just about every state.
Please keep your perspective everyone.
Photo: chavezonico
[…] would like to clarify one thing. My expertise is in helping women deal with divorce. I am not anti-man and I certainly understand that in some cases, men also get burned. There are […]
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