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Author : Claudia Category : Divorce Coach, General
Tags : divorce, divorce coach, divorce perspective, stay at home moms divorce
Today’s post will be short but extremely important. Those of you who have had my divorce coaching, know that I have a few mantras and they continue to have massive value. I just got off of a call with a client and reiterated the following four points. Sadly, she had already wasted a great deal of money on her divorce.
I know how divorce works because I have helped hundreds of women survive the process.
Four Ways To Save Money On Your Divorce:
- When your attorney presents a strategy, ask how much will it cost and how much will it benefit you. Be specific and expect specific answers.
- When dealing with your attorney via conversations or emails, keep them short. When emailing, use bullet points if possible.
- Avoid too many details. Adding them will only waste your attorney’s time and your money.
- If your attorney says, “Don’t worry about your legal fees,” worry about your legal fees!!!
Please. If you learn anything from this site, it should be that you need to save money on your legal fees whenever you can!
Photo: Philip Taylor PT
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