I did it. You can too!


Hello. My name is Claudia and I am an authority on the ups and downs of marriage, children, career choices and divorce. So that you can appreciate my credentials, I will only say that, I have lived them! I not only have survived but I have flourished and you can too! I’ll give you a bit of my history and show you that there is always light at the end of tunnel.

I am evidence of the fact that women are strong and resilient. Even when we get knocked down by pain or fear, we can all get back up and dust ourselves off. We just need to know how. That’s my purpose. I am offering support, friendship and some tools to help women, no matter where they are in their lives. I didn’t know it at the time but my divorce was one of the best things that ever happened to me! My life is just beginning and I am enthusiastic about helping you to reach the point that your life changes for the better too!