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- 24
Jul -
Author : Claudia Category : General, Women's Strength
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How we live our lives is all about heart! We have heard various phrases that speak of heart. The ones that come first to my mind are, broken heart, heart and soul, take heart,close to my heart, with all of your heart, and eat your heart out. The definitions of heart vary but it seems as though, there is a common thread running through each definition and that thread is EMOTION. The Encarta Dictionary defines heart as, the source or center of emotional life, where the deepest and sincerest feelings are located and a person is most vulnerable to pain. It makes mention of psirit which is defined as, the capacity for courage and determination.
The sort of heart that an individual has is the very core of the type of person that he or she is. People possess various degrees of heart and spirit. They range from people who feel sorry for themselves and dwell on what is bad in their lives and on whom they can blame their problems. Someplace in the middle are the people who get discouraged but try to make the best of their situations without complaining too much. Then, at the other end of the spectrum are the people who face their problems in the same way that dogs do.
These are the people who take what life hands them and use courage and determination to make the most of their circumstances. They believe with all of their hearts, that there is no obstacle that they can’t overcome. They exude positive thinking and teach courage and purpose to the rest of us, who pale in comparison. Like the dogs, these are the people who have the purest of hearts because they don’t mope, they cope. They believe and then they do what needs to be done!