If You Stay, Your Past Will Be Your Future

There is no crystal ball needed. To gain perspective for your own situation, you must answer the questions. I can help you but ultimately, you must figure things out for yourself. I have shared answers. Please replace them with your own.


  1. When you first met this person, what attracted you? He was handsome, kind, and interested in me and my needs.
  2. How did you feel about yourself when you first began the relationship? I felt loved, pretty, capable and valued.
  3. How long were you happy in the relationship? I was happy until he changed about a year after I met him.
  4. When and why do you think that you began to be unhappy? I began to be unhappy when he demeaned me and showed no interest in me or my needs.
  5. How was your self-esteem when the relationship began to go wrong? My self-esteem began to be replaced with a total lack of confidence in everything.
  6. Why did your self-esteem change? My self-esteem went downhill when he told me that I was fat and began to compare me to other wGRAPH OF BAD RELATIONSHIPomen.
  7. How much did you argue? We argued most of the time because he found fault with almost all that I did.
  8. Did either of you cheat on the other? Yes. He cheated on me. I did not cheat on him.
  9. Did either of you undermine or put the other down? Yes. He put me down because he said that I had gained weight, couldn’t cook, and made poor decisions.
  10. Do you trust this person’s words and actions? Why or why not? No. I do not trust him because he lied to me about so many things during the time when he had been cheating on me.
  11. Does this person trust your words and actions? Why or why not? I don’t know if he trusts me. He has accused me of doing the things that he has done. I never cheated but he accused me of cheating.
  12. Are you still attracted to this person? Why or why not? I am attracted to his looks but everything has changed. I am attracted to the person I fell in love with but not the person he is now.      

Look at the graph. Look at the positives vs. the negatives.  Note the words, actions and your feelings when the relationship began. Compare that time to the way you feel about yourself now.  Do you want to be with someone who helps you feel good about yourself or with someone who contributes to your poor self-esteem? You decide your future.

First Photo: Mr. Muggles