Divorce and Wealthy Women

angry womanSome studies are showing that when a wealthy woman divorces, she fares better than a woman who is not as wealthy. Statistics vary according to who is recording the numbers and why.

When there is more money and there are more assets, more money will be allocated to each spouse. However, I believe it stops there.

Trust me when I say that wealthy women are often on the losing end in a divorce, especially when there has been time for the spouse to prepare and hide assets.

In addition, there are many divorce attorneys who hear “ka-ching”  when they find out that potential clients are wealthy. The more wealth, the more complicated the divorce. And the more complicated the divorce, the more money in the divorce attorney’s pocket.

If you are wealthy and you are facing divorce, don’t be trapped into thinking that you will make out well because you have money. Wealthy women, middle of the road women and poor women have many of the same financial issues when they are faced with divorce.

Whatever your financial situation is, please remember these four things when it comes to your divorce:

  • Prepare for the worst and hope for the best.
  • Don’t assume anything about anyone.
  • Don’t take anything for granted.
  • Take care of your health.

In my opinion, women tend to be the losers in divorce. Please do yourself a favor and do all you can so that you won’t be one of the losers. You won’t be sorry.