Divorce Petitions Reference Facebook

The Daily News printed an article today by Gina Salamone. The article stated that,Nearly one in five divorce cases cite Facebook, lawyers say. The article quoted Mark Keenan, who is the Managing Director of Divorce-Online as saying, I had heard from my staff that there were a lot of people saying they had found out things about their partners on Facebook and I decided to see how prevalent it was. I was really surprised to see 20 per cent of all the petitions containing references to Facebook. (Mark Keenan is an attorney in the UK.)

You might be wondering why I am making this post on Christmas Eve. The reason is that the holidays can be very difficult for lonely people to deal with. The fact is that people can be lonely in spite of the fact that they are married. Please my friends, don’t put anything on Facebook or any other internet site that you don’t want the world to see.

Nothing is private when it comes to the internet. There are no secrets there. Please think before you say anything!