A dear friend went through a divorce about 12 years ago and it was ugly. The pain and financial abuse she had to deal with were not the kinds of things you would want your worst enemy experience. She had to give up on trying to get a fair amount of the marital assets because she didn’t have any more money to pay an attorney.
She literally walked out of a 15+ year marriage with only the clothes on her back. Her husband was extremely wealthy and had unlimited funds to spend on the divorce process and destroyed her financially and emotionally.
The one thing that she had always been able to count on was that her boys always stood by her. They did anything and everything they could do to be there for her and support her. They are all grown now. I was always happy for her that her boys were always at her home doing whatever snow plowing, mowing and repairs that needed to be done.
I received a call from her this afternoon and she was in tears. One of her sons had called her earlier in the day and berated her “up one side and down the other.†He spewed out venom that was unlike anything that she had ever heard him say. Why?
Well, in between tears, she explained that her ex husband had financed that son’s business and his home. She thought that her ex-husband had finished trying to hurt her but she was wrong. He had three more ways that he could potentially devastate her and so he began with the oldest son who was financially tied to his father for his income and his home.
This happens more often than you would think. The good news is that at some point, the kids return. My heart breaks for my friend but I know she is a survivor. She is strong and she has faith. While the pain is terrible now, she will know what it’s like to have her son back on her team when the time is right.
I have never understood why in more cases than not, the spouse that cheated and or broke up the family seems to be the one who goes for the jugular of the other spouse. It seams like it should be the other way around.
Someone said this to me a while ago and I don’t know from where she quoted:
“They don’t hurt the one they love…They hate the one they hurt.” Â Hmmm…thoughts?