Hope: The Key

Woman holding a key

Hope or the lack there of seems to be one of the keys that unlocks the door that holds back our ability to be strong, happy and successful when adversity strikes.

More often than not, a woman who has hope for a brighter, happier future seems more likely to work toward that end. Faith in God or a higher being fuels her efforts to effectively change her role in life.

By the same token, a woman who hopes that her life will go back to being the way it was before her divorce is the woman who can’t or won’t escape from the role of victim.

We all need to have a pity party at some points in our lives because the reality is that life is not fair. Honor, integrity and good are not always the winners, especially in divorce court.

So where does that leave us? I believe it leaves us in a position to start again with more knowledge and more understanding of the complexities of life.

A woman who I dealt with a couple of years ago on this site comes immediately to mind. She had been in a physically abusive marriage. After she escaped, she began a group that offered free locks to women who were victims of domestic violence. She used her pain and experiences as a stepping stone to regain her self worth  by helping other women who were living with abuse.

Please everyone. Pay if forward. There are so many women out there who need our support.

Photo by aNne