Are you an Ostrich? Do you bury your head in the sand?

Do you sweep your suspicions under the carpet? If you do, you are stoking a fire that will burn you.

Think about these scenarios. Do any of them apply to your spouse?

  • If he takes money out of an account without telling you, there is a huge problem.
  • If you look at charge accounts and see that there is more charged than usual, beware.
  • If cash is charged on credit cards, unbeknownst to you, be skeptical.
  • If your spouse ends phone conversations, as you enter the room, be suspicious.
  • If you notice expense account dinners, when you knew he wasn’t with business people, open your eyes. (He may have told you that he was shopping for a present for you.)
  • If you find local hotel room bills, when he was supposedly at work, be suspect.
  • If he doesn’t wear his wedding ring or forgets to put it on, be doubtful of his commitment to you. If you question him and he becomes angry and then buys you an extravagant present, he just might be guilty, as charged.
  • If he changes his style of dressing, someone else, is offering fashion advice to him.
  • If he suddenly begins to work out or even worse, begins to go tanning, beware.
  • If you receive hang ups with no caller ID available, something is fishy.
  • If weird things happen such as repeated keying of his car, something is up. (No pun intended!)

There may be many excuses, some of which will be plausible. Just don’t put the situations out of your mind, begin to prepare for the inevitable.