Woman getting a shot
Can you catch divorce like a cold or the flu? Some new studies say that couples with divorced friends or family are more likely to get divorces themselves.
Divorced women have long had a stigma and have often been shunned by their old “happily married” friends. It was assumed that it was because they were single and seen as a danger to the married women. And that they feared that the divorcee might break up another person’s marriage.
Maybe, that is not accurate. Maybe, the old friends who shunned the newly divorced woman friend knew something that studies are just figuring out. (Said tongue in cheek!)
Some studies are showing that divorce, like the flu can be contagious in close social groups or families. Supposedly, it is being said that a person who has a friend who gets divorced is almost 150% more likely to get divorced. They also say that if a sibling gets divorced it is almost 25% more likely for the other siblings to get divorced.
It appears that onlookers, who watch someone experience a divorce and then move on and ultimately begin a new and satisfying life, take strength. Suddenly the onlookers see that divorce might be a way out for them and that they can survive.
Many of these onlookers realize that remaining in unhappy marriages actually is a health risk.
Whether divorce is catching or not has yet to be accurately appraised. So, I guess my opinion on the matter is that everyone should get a flu shot to keep the flu away. Therefore, they should get an anti divorce shot to keep their marriage strong and immune to divorce.
Obviously, there is no such inoculation…yet. Therefore, the answer must be that a marriage must be nourished by the provisions that will make it strong and healthy in order to remain immune to divorce.
Photo by Injection Girls