Most people would agree that going through the process of divorce court is costly and unpleasant, at the very least. The best scenario would be one involving a divorcing couple, treating each other with respect and courtesy. That, coupled with two ethical attorneys, would make the court experience the best that it could be, considering the reason for the hearing.
The other end of the spectrum would be a courtroom ordeal that involved drama and cruelty. Take a divorce, where one or both parties are already out to destroy each other, add dramatic attorneys who ignite an already explosive situation, the result is not just a divorce decree, it is a tragedy.
There are some divorce attorneys who perpetuate the deterioration of broken relationship by continuously fanning the flames. In my opinion, these are not attorneys who are practicing family law because the consequence can only be more pain for the children involved. Divorce court is not a murder trial. It is not about someone facing the death penalty for murder. The marriage has already ended, so why is it necessary for some lawyers to insidiously, work at the destruction of civility between the divorcing parties? Fueling the fires of animosity between the parties negates the very essence of what a civil divorce is supposed to be, CIVIL.