Don’t Be A Follower except on Twitter

In an effort to save busy people time, I am going to “cut to the chase” and place the last paragraph first so they don’t have to wade through my verbiage! The purpose of this blog is to thank some very special people for all of their kindness to me. Check out my Twitter and you will see who they are. They know who they are.

Please, read their blogs, sign up for newsletters, make comments, buy their books or listen to their podcasts. I am going to name some of these people mainly with their Twitter names because often that’s all I have. If I leave anyone out, it isn’t because they aren’t special, wonderful, kind and giving, it’s because with age comes memory loss!

RT “People who have no egos are the people who have everything else!” ~ me

I thank all of you from the bottom of my heart!

Those of you, who know me, know how much my mom influenced my life because of her example and because of her words of wisdom. I quote her often because 99.99% of the time, she was right on the money. Quite by mistake today, I came upon the harsh realization that she majorly goofed with regard to one thing that she told me. In her defense, I must add that she passed away before the age of the internet. Anyway, I grew up hearing these words: “Claudia, always be your own person and be a leader. Do not ever be a follower!”  Well, I headed my mom’s advice until about 3 months ago when I joined Twitter.

A person that I met at a blogging convention, made the suggestion that I join Twitter. I asked her what to do and how to do it. All she said was and I quote, “Just talk into the little box and anyone following you will see it. That’s all there is to know really. “I’m fairly open-minded and even though it sounded pretty dumb, I thought I’d try it.

From that moment, my world changed. By God’s grace, luck, happenstance, destiny, fate or whatever you care to believe, I have been blessed. By meeting and following” people on Twitter I have received an abundance of gifts. Some of these gifts have included knowledge, experience, information, understanding, wisdom, humor, a support system, kindness, PR and friendships just to name a few. By the same token, I have to say that my mom also taught me that, “It is better to give than to receive” and that “In giving, we do receive.” (See, I’m bailing you out Mom!)

I replayed those words during my life and always tried to live by them. Because the internet and the whole computer process was always been alien to me, I shied away from both until one new friend told me to think of the person behind the computer, not the computer itself. Once I understood that, I began to meet and greet new friends.

The purpose of this blog is to thank some very special people for all of their kindness to me. I would guess that they won’t see this and that is not what is important. What IS important to me is that each of you reading will take a minute or two to check them out. Read their blogs, make comments, buy their books or listen to their podcasts. I am going to name some of these people mainly with their Twitter names because often that’s all I have.

“People who have no egos are the people who have everything else!”~me

I thank all of you from the bottom of my heart!