Divorce: Questions & Answers

Wow! I am being inundated with emails from women who have had it and are ready to take the divorce plunge.

I guess the economy and the holidays have worn everyone pretty thin. This post may seem to go in a lot of different directions and it actually is. The reason is that I am going to try to answer as many questions as possible in this one post. The answers are brief and obviously there is more information required to answer more specifically.

Q. How do I know if I need an attorney?

A. Chances are good that you do. If there are children involved and assets, things get difficult. If you and your spouse communicate, care about the children and are sensible and fair, you might not need one.

Q. What are the chances that I will go to divorce court?

A. The percentage of couples who end up in divorce court is very low. Going to divorce court depends a lot on the assets, the children, the anger, the vengeance and the attorneys involved.

Q. Will I lose custody of my children?

A. If you have done nothing to have shown the court that you are unfit and if you have been the custodial parent, you will probably obtain custody.

Q. I have been a stay at home mom. How will I survive with young children during the process?

A. The court will assign a specific dollar amount that your spouse must pay you each month. Keep in mind that the number depends on your needs and your children’s needs and expenses and your spouse’s ability to pay. In addition, your ability and qualifications to work will play a role.

Please keep in mind that the courts do attempt to do what is right and fair BUT the process can get very complicated depending on the issues and attorneys involved.

Photo by the italian voice