V is for Valentine and …

Next Monday is February 14th, the dreaded Valentine’s Day. For women living through the divorce process it, can be very difficult.

Thankfully, this year it doesn’t fall on a weekend. It seems to be easier to get though special days when they fall during the work week. People don’t have as much time to dwell on what was and what if.

Depending on what your mind set is, you have several choices to help you get through the day. One of the things that always got me through the day was total exhaustion! I have my kids to thank for that.

Volume: When the kids were little, Valentine’s Day preparation meant helping them sign a gazillion little Valentine’s Day cards for ALL of their classmates. Just getting an actual signature seemed to take eons.

Villain: That changes in middle school. The rules vary with schools but usually the cards must be for all classmates. Now it gets tricky because the kids, who still consider the opposite sex the enemy, do everything possible to avoid sending those alien beings anything nice.

Vigilant: Then, the process begins to change and they are worried that the one they “like” will make fun of their card. Hours can be spent going from store to store to find “the coolest” and most appropriate Valentine’s Day card.

Voice: The next stage is when real love begins or so they think. They fret because they are afraid they won’t get a card or gift from that special someone. In addition, they are worried about whether or not they should say how they feel about their Valentine.

Vow: The kids get home from school that day and are either ecstatically happy because they vowed to love their Valentine forever or…

Variety: They think their lives are over because their Valentine’s Day was so awful and therefore they come up with a variety of reasons as to why they must miss school February 15th.

Vision: So on this Valentine’s Day, do what it takes to get through the day. Above all, keep your vision. Remember that life does get better after divorce.

Virtue: Don’t ever forget that patience is a virtue!

Photo: howieluzys