Divorce Dictionary

I just received a request to post common legal terms that apply to the divorce process so here goes.

Legal Divorce Terms

Deposition: A proceeding that requires a witness to answer questions orally and under oath before a court reporter

Interrogatories: Written questions sent by one of the divorcing party’s attorneys to the other party. The person receiving the document must answer the questions in writing

Request for admission: A request that a party admits certain facts (When issues are admitted, they can be used in court without further research or proof required.)

Production of Documents: A request to a party to supply documents – In divorce cases the requests may be bank statements, pay stubs and other documents proving income, expenses, debt and assets.

Request for Inspection: Tangible items that must be made available for inspection

Subpoena: An order requiring a person to appear in court or at a deposition

Subpoena duces tecum: A court order requiring that a person give documents to a specific party or requiring that they be brought to a deposition.

Please remember that the fewer legal documents that are prepared and reviewed by attorneys, the more money you will save during the divorce process.

Photo: greeblie