Guests on Oprah are Abusers!

Today, Oprah interviewed men who abuse women. In my opinion, Oprah’s show was enlightening because instead of interviewing abused women, Oprah interviewed men who abuse women. It was stated that men and women are not equal when it comes to abuse! Of all abused victims, 85% are women and 15% are men.

There is no equality when it comes to abuse. The men who were the abusers on this show were courageous because they owned up to the fact that a man should NEVER abuse a woman for any reason. They admitted that abusers get a high when they abuse.

They said the next phase after the abusive act is that the abuser is sorry and then he abuses again. These men admitted that once a man abuses a woman, the cycle will not stop unless the abuser admits that he is wrong and then gets appropriate counseling!

These men advocated the fact that abuse will decline only if men speak out and that it will take men not women, to help to initiate a decline in the abusive attacks on women.

I can’t help but wonder why abused women see no red flags. I guess it is because abuse can tiptoe into a relationship!

Photo by Lin Pernille Photography