This is going to be a short post but an extremely important one. I continue to hear about how information shared on social media and in particular Facebook is being used as evidence in divorce courts.
I was just told about the huge mistakes some women are making by talking to virtual strangers about their divorces. They are asking for opinions and even worse, seeking advice. Please, request the advice of experts who have proven that they are ethical, knowledgeable and reliable.
I just answered a call from a woman who was totally distraught because of what had happened to her on Facebook. Apparently, she had become friends with another woman on Facebook and shared her whole story. The new friend supported her, guided her and then turned on her.
This woman’s new friend and confidant was actually her soon to be ex-husband. Unbeknownst to her, she shared every intimate aspect of her life and the beginning of her divorce with the man who had cheated on her, abused her and subsequently filed for divorce.
Please! Be aware that the internet is dangerous in more ways than one. The internet is filled with all kinds of predators. Please don’t allow yourself to be one of their victims!
Think before you speak and then think again and again before you share anything on the internet!
Photo: English 106