Narcissistic Men and The Other Women

This post is directed toward all of the women who are willing to be so self-centered and selfish that they don’t care who they hurt.  I am speaking about the “other women” who are willing to become involved with married men  proving that they have no problem breaking up marriages.

Sure, the men may say that their marriages’ are over but until you see the divorce papers, back off! The picture here does not pertain to women who believe that their lovers’ marriages are over. Mildred Baena and Arnold Schwarzenegger both knew all too well that his marriage was anything but over…until now!

There are some men who feel entitled and believe that rules don’t apply to them. They look for affairs outside of their marriages because they can. As long as there are women who are willing to compromise themselves to have intimate relationships with married men, the sagas will continue.

Narcissistic men consider themselves the be all and end all. They need to be constantly admired and told how important and unique they are.

If you are married to a man like this, beware. As the day to day life of marriage and family becomes mundane and he isn’t getting the attention that he needs and believes he deserves, look out! If you are a trophy wife and married to a narcissistic man, he may have already taken to the other woman’s bed.

Narcissistic men do not own up to anything. Why? They believe that they are beyond reproach and are never to blame for anything. They blame whomever they can blame in order to avoid any consequences. When their actions are scrutinized and God forbid criticized, it is always the other person’s fault. After all, they can do no wrong.

Every time I think about the other woman who lived in the home of Maria Shriver and Arnold Schwarzenegger, I actually feel sick.  How a man and a woman could have carried on this horrid affair in the very home of a loving wife and family shows the kind of people they both are. She and Arnold have given new meaning to the word loathsome.

In all my years of coaching women through the divorce process, this one I hadn’t heard before. Infidelity with nannies, yes. This kind of unending betrayal and sheer heartlessness, no! It’s just too bad that they don’t live in North Carolina!

Photo: MySpace INF  Hutchins