Are you facing divorce as a stay at home mom, a work at home mom or a working outside the home mom?
Why are you reading this post? Is it you or someone you know who is thinking about or already in the throes of divorce?
What is it that you are seeking from this site?
- If you are here because you want to be told if and when you should file for divorce, you are in the wrong place. Why? You need to make your own decision and only you will know when or if the time is right.
- If you are here because you need an “atta girl” because you already filed for divorce, you are in the wrong place. Why? If you made the decision to divorce your husband, the reasons were yours and only you know if you did the right thing.
- If you are here because you want to find out ways to get back at your husband, you are in the wrong place. Why? This is a site that is focused on helping women who are living the throes of divorce. The motive is not directed toward hurting anyone in the process.
The reason that I created this site and put so much time and energy into it is so that women could have a resource that would inform, educate and support them during the divorce process.
I don’t mean to come across in a shake you up kind of way but I need to come across in a way that will shake you up enough to do something to help yourself.
This site is all about helping women to wise up and become proactive during the divorce process.
My purpose here is to educate, inform and offer solutions regarding:
- How to prepare
- What to expect
- What to do
- Awareness
- Cost
- Traps
- Alternatives
- Resources
For years, I have heard that many of you are not comfortable with divulging your identities during this difficult time. I get that but now I have a favor to ask.
For those of you who haven’t connected with me via the phone or email already, please tell me what you think about this site and if and how it has helped you. Your input will help me to do what is most needed for as many women as possible. Please pay it back and pay it forward.
“I didn’t get here by dreaming about it or thinking about it — I got here by doing it.” ~ Estee Lauder
Photo: michal_hadassah