Are You In Divorce Denial?

When you see the writing on the wall and it wasn’t done by your kids, what did you do? Have you done anything other than wipe it off and pretend that it was never there?

As difficult as it is, wake up! If your husband is miserable around you, something is rotten in Denmark. If he is happy when he is with other people and not with you, hello??

When these things are happening in your marriage, ignoring the issues will not make them go away.

If you know what is good for you, begin to prepare for the inevitable. Even if you don’t want to make a move because you are hoping…just hoping…that things will get better, I have a couple of suggestions.

Think of what you would do if you were alone and didn’t have your husband’s income as part of the mix.

  • Would you change your career?
  • Would you go back to school?
  • Would you get a job outside the home if you are currently a stay at home mom?
  • Would you update your resume?
  • Would you research the job market?
  • Would you look into working at home?

So, you have my permission (LOL) to ignore the handwriting on the wall if and only if you begin to prepare for the obvious! You won’t be sorry. I promise.

Photo: codepo8