Are you kissing a frog?

Someone just described my blog as being  daunting and that hit me hard. The last thing that I want is to frighten, intimidate or offer disheartening information to anyone. After all, the fact that half of all marriages end in divorce, is a daunting thought in and of itself! So where does that leave me, as someone who is trying to help women prepare themselves, if and when they are faced with divorce?

To those of you, who are reading this blog, please tell me your thoughts. You can also email me privately via claudia at  It seems to me, that most of the women who are seeking my help, are the ones who are already some place in the process of divorce. The ones who ignored the red flags before they married and are still ignoring the red flags today, may well get blindsided.

I think that these women are so focused on the belief that they will live happily ever after, that they haven’t realized that the fairy tale has already ended for them. Trust me. I have been there. I was committed to my vows and a forever after marriage. Guess what? I goofed! Many of you are married to kissing a frog who will never be a prince. If you don’t open your eyes, you might end up falling off of the lily pad and drowning!

There are princes out there but you won’t find one, if you are content to try to balance on that lily pad with your frog, eating flies.