Astute attorneys and judicious judges, not!

I never cease to be amazed by the comments that are made to couples regarding their financial devastation, due to divorce. In the most recent case that I heard, the ex-husband was complaining because his ex-wife was awarded the house in the division of assets. The divorce decree stated that she had to refinance the house in her own name.

The woman tried but failed because she was a stay at home mom and had no money or income of her own. She fell behind on the mortgage payments. The ex-husband asked the attorney in question, what he could do because his ex-wife’s inability to make the mortgage payments on time was hurting his credit.

This brilliant legal mind advised the man that the problem was his fault and his ex-wife’s fault because neither of them should have agreed that she should have gotten the house since she couldn’t keep up with the payments. Hello, Mr. Attorney! What do you not get here? The divorcing couple didn’t agree. It was the genius judge on the case, who made the decision.

The couple probably had spent every dime that they had, to get to the end of divorce process and had no more to contest the ruling, had they even known what the fall out was to be!!!