Category Archive: Divorce Coach

Do You Love Your Children?

Do you love your children? How much do you love them? Your answers don’t matter but your actions do. Divorce brings out ugliness more often than not but ugly should never involve the children. Whatever your mistakes are, don’t allow them to include hurting your children. Children of divorce need and want parents who Don’t […]

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Why A Divorce Coach?

When I began this blog, I didn’t even know what a blog was. All I knew was that I didn’t want any other woman to suffer the way I did when I was faced with divorce. I began my mission by connecting with women’s sites and learned that there was a need for what I […]

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Divorce Coaching Reminders

Divorce Coaching Reminders: When you leave a comment to connect with me, please let me know if your email is private. If you do not let me know that you are the only one who can check your email, I am very careful and you may get a message such as, “Yes. I can. Are […]

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Life After Divorce in 2013

Happy New Year! With the arrival of 2013, people are very different in their attitudes and emotions. Some are excited about the possibilities. Some are apprehensive about the future. Some are without emotion regarding the future. What about you? How are you facing the New Year? I have a few suggestions that I know will […]

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Hurricane Sandy and Divorce

Hurricane Sandy has played havoc on the lives, the homes and the finances of thousands of people. While the storm was only a category one compared to Katrina that was a category five, why was there so much devastation? The answer is somewhat complicated but to put it simply, the miles of wind were far […]

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Divorce Perspective Requires Reflection

Just a few words to the wise…you need to keep perspective during this difficult time. How can you keep perspective during the divorce process? It isn’t necessarily easy. You must keep perspective about your strong points and weaknesses. You are not mistaken because someone says that you are. You are not a failure because someone […]

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I Want A Divorce! Now What?

Many times the first conversation I have with a client is filled with tears. So many women have hit rock bottom when they decide to connect with me. I really get that and I know exactly how they feel because I was there. The only difference was that there were no divorce coaches that I […]

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Finances: When The Only Way Is Up

So many stay at home moms who are going through divorce have appalling financial issues. Too often, their funds are cut off during the process and they are unable to find jobs because they have young children. In addition, many are unable to find jobs in the current economy. When you think that there is […]

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