Category Archive: General

Divorce: No Secret Assets

Some good news for a change! 😉 If your soon to be ex-husband works for a company that requires that all investments, bank statements, etc. be made known to the company, you are one of the lucky ones. When this is the case, you will know what your assets are. You will know where you […]

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Divorce Sharks

Divorce is complicated at best. Any divorce is an emotional upheaval but when there are many assets and much money involved, complication is the least of a woman’s worries. There are often very personal and complex issues. This is a time when the need for relevant and sophisticated advice is of utmost importance. When wealthy […]

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Divorce: Maintaining High Net Worth

When connecting with an old friend the other night, we began reminiscing about the old days. Interestingly, she remembered things that I had long since forgotten. We conversed about the old remember whens… When my ex-husband asked me to marry him and she and I had talked about whether or not I could ever give […]

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When Your Gut Talks, Listen!

So many women ask me how they can be sure that they are dealing with narcissistic husbands. I don’t think that we can ever be 100% sure of anything. That said, there are many aspects of a person’s personality that can scream, “I am a narcissist!” A man’s wealth or lack of wealth has nothing […]

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Who Are You?

Do you know who you are? I mean who you really are? Think about it. Sure, you might be a mom or a daughter or a sister or a friend but that those things don’t define who you are. When you think about who you are, you need to think about only you. Forget thinking […]

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Divorce and Elections: Money Matters

I recently saw an info graphic about how money played out in this election. It hit me that there are many similarities between elections and divorces. (This post has nothing to do with my political views or who won the election. This post is about some financial facts that can paint a picture about what […]

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Hurricane Sandy and Divorce

Hurricane Sandy has played havoc on the lives, the homes and the finances of thousands of people. While the storm was only a category one compared to Katrina that was a category five, why was there so much devastation? The answer is somewhat complicated but to put it simply, the miles of wind were far […]

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Divorce Perspective Requires Reflection

Just a few words to the wise
you need to keep perspective during this difficult time. How can you keep perspective during the divorce process? It isn’t necessarily easy. You must keep perspective about your strong points and weaknesses. You are not mistaken because someone says that you are. You are not a failure because someone […]

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