Category Archive: Women’s Strength

Your Call Is Very Important To Me

This will be a very short post but an extremely important one. I have received several calls in the last few days that are concerning me because I can hear the the tone and emotion in the women’s voices. Please understand that I really care about you whether we have have “met” or haven’t. I […]

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Can You Solve The Happiness Puzzle?

Many of you have told me that you feel like you have lost your youth.  You feel like your lives are over because you are suddenly facing the world as single women. You have shared your fears that time is running out and you are afraid that there isn’t time to find happiness in your […]

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Don’t Forget!

How did you wake up this morning? This may seem like a dumb question but it really isn’t. The attitude you have when you get out of bed will become the attitude that takes over your whole day. If you had a restless night and the alarm wakes you up with a loud sound, chances […]

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Divorce and Dispair

There should be no shame in deciding that you need to see a therapist. A divorce can be equated to a “slam dunk” into the basketball hoop of depression. Don’t beat yourself up for the pain you are feeling. You need to understand that some of the parts of your situation may increase the possibility […]

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The Poor Stepmother

I was asked to write a post dealing with women who are placed in a situation that requires them to care for their husbands’ children from a previous marriage. This situation ranges from full custody to varying degrees of visitation and custody. This is the reality: All kids can be extremely difficult during various stages […]

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Farewell Mother In Law!

Sometimes, even the most serious of subjects need a bit of levity. Divorce isn’t funny and no woman is ever delighted when she goes through a divorce but sometimes there might just be a silver lining. So in an attempt to help you to have a laugh or two, I thought I’d share a few […]

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Why Divorce Is A Good Thing

No matter how deep the “stuff” you are dealing with during the divorce process is, remember that it could be worse. You can get through the difficulty and when you look back, you will realize that the process actually strengthened you. How can an adversity like divorce help you? Think of it this way. If […]

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Revealed: How To Avoid Pain

You are someplace in the divorce process and you are sure that you are the victim. Maybe your husband played around. Maybe your husband abused you in some way. Maybe your husband left you financially stranded. All these things are painful, frightening and and erode your self-worth. You are secure in the knowledge that you […]

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