Category Archive: Women’s Strength

Which is more seductive?

This a very different kind of post. I am offering the first 50 copies of my book to any of you free of charge, if you help me with your opinions. You will need to pay for shipping. The first 50 to answer, will be the ones to get the first 50 copies, free. Which […]

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Moving Off The Farm

Hi All, I have moved off of the farm, finally. I am so excited and ready to begin the next stage of my life. There are a few glitches with my move. I am staying with friends temporarily and my cell phone has no service at their house. The hard drive on my computer died […]

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Focus on and savor the ones who care…

My friends, please forgive me! I have received quite a few emails wondering where I am. My answer is that I’m not sure! LOL. I am in the process of moving, which in my case means getting rid of, selling, packing or breaking many years worth of collecting! At my ripe old age, I am […]

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Are SAHM s lazy and/or wealthy?

Are SAHM s wealthy and or lazy? I heard the questions when I was a young mother and I am hearing them now. I was accused of eating bon-bons all day, while I raised four children alone. When I quit my job to be a SAHM, I had no doubt that it was the right […]

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Not exactly equal footing but it’s a nice thought!

Stay at home moms are emailing me with excited messages about the rumor of tax credits for stay at home moms. They are thrilled at the prospect of being appreciated for their career choice of caring for their children. The specifics that I was able to locate, were in Oklahoma where an attempt is being […]

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A Life’s Lesson

As the end of 2007 approaches, I am reminded that life is a journey. I know that I have grown in more ways than one. Each day and each moment has had a lesson to offer to any of us who is willing to listen. Worrying doesn’t accomplish anything. I have come to the understanding […]

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Consequences and Imperfection…

How do we as mothers, teach our children about consequences? How do they learn that bad choices may hurt themselves and others? When they are small, and they do something inappropriate, we give them a time out or take away something special such as, dessert. It is much easier, when they are young and when […]

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A time to give…

At this time of year, many moms have a myriad of emotions that surface. We find ourselves glassy eyed with bittersweet tears. The holiday season tends to bring with it, a propensity to relive our bygone days. As we reminisce over Christmases Past, we recall the loves that we have lost, the mistakes we have […]

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