Category Archive: Women’s Strength

Divorce and Alcohol or Prescription Drug Dependency

Moms, this post is being written in an attempt to make you aware of the dangers of alcohol and drug usage. I understand that divorce plays havoc on your emotions and that many women resort to alcohol or prescription drugs in order to feel less pain. You need to be aware of what can happen […]

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Kim Kardashian’s Wedding

Kim Kardashian’s wedding is all over the news. The beauty queen and her future husband…the outrageous amount of money that is being spent on a dress…on a wedding …the numbers that are being reported defy imagination! Kim is reported to have spent over $50,000.00 on her original Vera Wang wedding gown. The guests have been […]

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Divorce: A Nightmare

I recently received an email from a client that made me sad but also made me sing because it told me that I am making a difference. So many of you are going through LIVING HELLS and it means the world to me to be confident in the fact that I am helping…really helping…the women […]

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When Things Get Hot, Use A Pot Holder

My job is to protect you from being burned during the divorce process in every way possible. In the image, the log cabin represents your marriage, family and home. When something ignites a match, the fire of divorce begins to burn up your marriage and family. You find yourself in the middle of the fire […]

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From Wedding Ring to Boxing Ring

Almost every time I speak to a potential client, I hear something along the lines of, “I hope you can help me with this…” One of the recent calls I received was from a woman who felt like her attorney wasn’t listening to her concerns because she tended to get tongue tied during meetings and […]

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A Narcissist Will Not Cease and Desist!

Has the man you married changed or have you just figured out the man he has always been? Why did you fall in love with him in the first place? Was he charming, engaging and did he put his best foot forward when you began your relationship? My guess is that you said yes or […]

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Divorce and Helping Hands

Soon I will be offering different resources to help women facing divorce. Prior to implementing them, I’d really appreciate your input. My goal is to do more and reach out to more women in order to satisfy their divorce needs. I plan to offer additional support prior to divorce, during divorce and after divorce. To  […]

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Rich and Ruined

Women suffer financial devastation after divorce and I don’t just mean women from middle and low end economic groups. Often, couples can’t rub two pennies together when they get married. In many cases, the wife begins a career in order to put her husband through law school or medical school. Then these career women come […]

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