Category Archive: Women’s Strength

Who kicks people when they are down?

What kind of person is capable if kicking another person when he is down? The answer is simple. It is the kind of person that takes pleasure in someone else’s pain and gains strength from it. The prisons are filled with such people. In a world that is filled with so much beauty and so […]

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Ladies, Moms and Friends, So many of you have exemplified such unbelievable courage and strength that I need to express my feelings about your successes. If I have been able to help even a few of you in some way, my goal will have been accomplished. Because you have shared your fears, your anger, your […]

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If you don’t care for and respect you, no one else will!

Ladies, this may be the shortest blog that I have ever written. Why do so many of you think that you deserve to be treated like garbage? Please try this: Pretend that your spouse or boyfriend and you are the actors in a movie. Pretend that you are in the audience and that you are […]

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Is he cheating? Why? What should I do?

Is he cheating? Why is he cheating? What do I want to do about it? I am beginning to get jaded because of all of the moms who are asking questions or telling about their experiences with cheating spouses. I have come to the conclusion that the above questions must be asked and each mom […]

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Happy Thanksgiving Mom!

I woke up this morning and for a split second, I felt sad. It has been that way for me on every holiday and birthday, since my mom died. I say for a split second because I know that my mom would have scolded me for feeling sorry for myself, had she been alive. My […]

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A life long lesson…Dolly Parton

“You better get to livin’, given’ Don’t forget to throw in a little forgivin’ And lovin’ on the way you better get to knowin’, showin’ A little bit more concerned about where you’re goin’ Just a word to the wise You better get to livin’. …Cause all healing has to start with you You better […]

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Kudos to Oprah, yet again!

Why is it that this incredible woman is able to face problems and issues with honesty and doesn’t feel the need to talk out of both sides of her mouth, unlike some of the politicians that we know? She takes the bull by the horns and gets to the heart of situations, that are often […]

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Fortune 500 vs Stay At Home Mom

So, here I am. Where is that, you ask.  Well, I’m not sure. Actually, I am sure. At least I think I am. My marriage is over. My resume states that my only job for the last twenty odd years was taking care of my husband and my children. Well, I didn’t mean to say […]

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