Happy Easter! What a wonderful time of year for us to experience a belief in the fact that we can and will be reborn after sadness and deaths. Whether we are living through the death of a loved one or the death of a marriage, we must feel the pain in order to get closure and be open to new beginnings.
Sometimes, we get so caught up in just existing, that we aren’t aware of the many gifts with which we are blessed. Divorce maims a family and often the relationships that the family shared. Too often, sides are taken, boundaries are crossed, loyalty is traded and love is lost or put on a back burner. I am so thankful for all of the gifts that I haven been given and I am continuing to work on my evolvement without the people who were the foundation of my existence.
A dear friend of mine shared her most recent poem. I think it is a perfect time to share it with you because it is a reminder that life isn’t easy and we all have to experience pain, fear and faith if we are to grow.
My Poem About Me
I have jumped off that bridge
Aware that every day
Through the reeking in my armpits
My own mustard seed
Tossed into the wind
Conjuring up some muted faith
Over and over again
Boring my head
Outwardly confirming my success
Success so vague
The word
Better not failing
Losing my footing on the assent
Small strong holds
For the next day
The invariable slip of fate
Protected by luck and perseverance
As if some tireless engine
My right foot passes my left
My left foot passes my right
By Kate Sullivan
Copyright 2008 Kate Sullivan