Dancing away from an interview…

Some of you SAHMs have asked what you can do to protect your futures, without upsetting your spouses. First, I must answer with a question, “If your spouse loves you and cares about you, why would protecting your future, in case of tragedy or divorce, upset him?”
Having said that, I will offer a suggestion. Let’s say, that you have decided to quit your job, to become a stay at home mom. You are not ready to take any specific steps to protect yourself, in case of tragedy or divorce so please, at the very least, think about this example.

You are leaving a job where you are a supervisor of a group of thirty people, who are involved in sales. Your company makes,  a scientific trinkets, which gets more complicated each year. You leave that job in order to stay at home with your children. As a SAHM, you should keep yourself updated, on all improvements on the scientific trinket. That way, if or when you would like to go back to work, you have something to offer the company. You already have supervisory experience and sales experience. The only thing that is missing, is a current knowledge of the latest version of the “scientific trinket,” which has changed drastically since you left.

During your interview, you explain that you have kept yourself updated on the company and specifically on the new version of the “scientific trinket.” You might not be able to step right back in, as supervisor, but you may well be able to start in a sales position, since you are current in your knowledge of the product. In addition, you mentioned, in your interview, that you were the chairman of the school bake sales for three years. You advised the potential employer that your work contributed to the school’s having the funds necessary to purchase new computers. You presented a letter commending you on your successful efforts. The person interviewing you, states that there is a sales position available. You accept the job and shake hands. As you leave his office, he smiles as he mentions that one of the supervisors is retiring soon. Thanking him, you all but dance out the door!