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- 22
May -
Author : Claudia Category : Divorce Coach, General
Tags : divorce and children, divorce coach
Whatever stage you are in the divorce process doesn’t matter when it comes to your children. I understand that you are tired and stressed during each stage. Whether you are in the preparation stage, in the middle of the divorce process or living through the aftermath of divorce, make your kids your priority.
Children act and react in different ways.
- Some will act out.
- Some will withdraw.
- Some will act like nothing is wrong.
- Some will become depressed.
What you need to understand is that your children are hurting. Even if it isn’t apparent to you, they are still hurting. Many times, children blame themselves because their parents are getting divorced.
- Watch your children. That means their interactions with others as well as how they act around you.
- Listen to your children. That means to what they say and what they do not say.
- Make yourself available to your children.
- Never bad mouth your ex. Never scare your children about finances or anything else.
- Make sure they understand that you will never leave them and that you love them unconditionally.
Be aware of the fact that things are not always as they seem. These are your children. Do not put your head in the sand. If you do, your children may be in crisis.
Photo: Chris Schroeder