Divorce and Depression

Divorce and Depression

So your marriage has ended or is in the process of ending, what now? With divorce comes sadness. Period!

For so many reasons, this is true. Even if you are the one who initiated the divorce, you will feel lousy. Why?

There are many reasons but for starters:

  • You feel like a failure.
  • You are unsure of your future.
  • You are worried about your children, if you have them.
  • You are concerned about what people will think.
  • You are concerned with finding the right attorney.
  • You are worried about the possibility of divorce court.

So what should you do about it? There are a few things to think about and act on. You need to understand that depression is different from sadness.

Everyone experiences sadness. It’s just a part of life. Depression is actually an illness. Sadness will go away when you have come to terms with the divorce and all of the ramifications involved.

Remember that divorce is like a death and so you will need to go through the same kind of bereavement that you would go through when you experience the death of a loved one.

If you are finding it difficult to deal with your daily activities, feeling overwhelmed and hopeless or feeling worthless, you need to seek counseling from a professional psychologist or psychiatrist. If you have suicidal thoughts, please get help immediately even if it means calling 911.

Photo by Arianne