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- 31
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Author : Claudia Category : General, Women's Strength
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Soon I will be offering different resources to help women facing divorce. Prior to implementing them, I’d really appreciate your input. My goal is to do more and reach out to more women in order to satisfy their divorce needs.
I plan to offer additional support prior to divorce, during divorce and after divorce. To achieve the most success in this endeavor I am confident that your experiences and suggestions would be really helpful.
You CAN pay it forward and help other women in all walks of life and in all stages of the divorce process by giving just a few minutes of your time.
The process is easy. Simply click here and place your story, answer or suggestion in the box and click submit.
Your answers to any of the following would be extremely helpful.
- What is your worst divorce story or worst husband story?
- What happened during your divorce that scared you the most?
- What kind of help did you need that wasn’t offered?
- What kind of support would you like after your divorce is over?
- Would a downloadable MP3 with specific divorce help make the divorce process easier?
- How about a format where you could call in at a specific time and connect with me as well as other women with your concerns or questions?
I get how some of you are concerned about the possibility that your spouse may have access to your information. I have a couple of suggestions. You can use the computer at the public library or send me your story, suggestions or any other input via regular mail. There is no need to place a return address or your name on the envelope if you want to remain anonymous. I also accept faxes at 610.473.1335.
Claudia Broome P.O. Box 278 Gilbertsville Pa. 19525
I look forward to your input and I thank you so much in advance for any help you might be able to give.
Photo: vortistic