I hope all of you had a wonderful Thanksgiving. It’s strange how special the holiday season is and yet it can also be so bittersweet and even painful for those families involved in any stage of divorce. The adult children are often drawn into the problem in selecting with which parent they should celebrate each special day. Some parents make it easy for the children by not forcing any issues and by being flexible.
Other parents continue the divorce battle even after it is all supposedly over. They attempt to control their children by threats or carrots or even worse by placing guilt in the minds of their children. Today, I’d like to remind parents and adult children of several things. The holiday season can be very painful to all involved in divorce and this means both parents and all children.
Parents please don’t make your children have to choose between you. Offer a way to celebrate that is a compromise for all. Remember that the children love both of you. Adult children, please remember that your parents’ lives have changed drastically. Just because they may not wear their emotions on their sleeves doesn’t mean that they are not still hurting. One or both of your parents may be feeling afraid, lonely and or abandoned. Please try to make the effort to show both of your parents that you care in every way possible. It will be worth your while!