Divorce is in the news every day!

From press releases on foreclosure and divorce to divorce parties to a Yankee’s star hiring new divorce attorneys to Social Security benefits not ending with divorce to Larry King to………….! Why is it that every day, there is a new headline BUT brides will not face or even spend a second or a dollar of their wedding preparations on protecting their futures?

Are brides being “given away” or “thrown away?” In the same vein, why are women quitting their jobs to become SAHMs (stay at home moms) without taking even a moment to protect themselves from a possible break in their marital status? Ladies, please email me at claudia at divorceforstayathomemoms.com and offer me some input! I am only too well aware that I made the same mistake BUT divorce wasn’t the “in thing”  way back then! It certainly wasn’t in the news or in the news worthy statistical data!

I wonder if I would have buried my head in the sand, for the sake of an optimistic belief that marriage is forever and that vows should and would be kept. I believe with all of my heart, that before fathers pay for their daughters’ weddings, they should require some type of education and maybe even counseling for their daughters in attempt to protect them in case something goes wrong!