Picture this. For some reason, your children’s father has lost or quit his job. Are any of you old enough to remember The Kitchen Sink Papers? Anyway, the possibility arises, as you and hubby are brainstorming, that maybe you should get a job and hubby should become the stay at home dad, for a while.
Hello, Desperate Housewives! So, the plan is that he is going to stay home and you will do the 9 to 5 thing. The night that you are discussing that possibility, he suddenly says, Wait, what if something awful happens to you and I don’t have a job? What will I do? Who will take care of the kids? What kind of a job will I be able to get since I have been home taking care of the kids?
You both think of the possibilities and he suggests the idea of an insurance policy. You weigh the options and possibilities and decide that, that makes sense but how do you go about doing that? You both begin to research insurance. You like the idea because you would feel better, knowing that your hubby and children would be taken care of, in case of something happened to you, the new bread winner.
Why? Because you love him and you love your children and want them to be protected in case of something awful happening. Is divorce something awful? Oh, yes it is! Divorce is a disaster. It is a misfortune and it is a catastrophe. Divorce is not unlike a death. Most people involved in a divorce, suffer bereavement because of the demise of their marriage and their family.
We make out wills in case of our deaths. Why is divorce any different? Why is it any different for a stay at home dad or a stay at home mom to be protected in the case of the fatality of their marriage?