Divorce Lawyers Are Not Always Right

A very quick post but a very necessary one…please! Do not be intimidated by your attorney. As you go through the divorce process, there will be things that happen that will leave you uncertain. When that happens, please go with your gut.

If your attorney dictates a specific time frame to get something accomplished, pay attention. Don’t just do what you are told. As an example, if you attorney tells you that you need to talk for one hour, two hours or however many hours, be suspect.

Why? That sounds like he or she is trying to add an hour, two hours or however many billable hours to the fees you are charged. It just doesn’t work that way!

During any legal process, nobody can have the knowledge of exactly how long it will take to accomplish something or anything. Please don’t assume that the professional has your best interests at heart because he or she might not!

Photo: conanil