Divorce Worldwide: Stay At Home Moms Are the Losers!

The readers of this blog are from all over the world. I find it amazing that my message has spread across so many miles and so many countries and continents.

In the last few weeks, I have received emails from women in Africa, South Africa, Russia, Japan, Canada, the Ukraine, Malaysia, the United Kingdom, Brazil, France, Sudan, Germany, India, Indonesia, Thailand, Australia, Iran, Saudi Arabia, Mexico, Egypt, Brazil, Turkey, Portugal, Romania, Peru and Norway.

While I am rewarded because I see how much this blog is offering help and solace, it also saddens me greatly. Most of the women who email me are stay at home moms.

All over the world, the story is the same. Women who gave up their independence and income to take care of their husbands and children are on the losing end.

My friends, I want to ask you a huge favor. If you know any woman who is about to become or already is a stay at home mom, please talk to her. Share with her the possibilities about what can happen to her as a stay at home mom. Let her know ways that she  can protect herself in case of divorce. Please pay it forward!

Photo: D.A.K. Photography