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- 13
Apr -
Author : Claudia Category : General, Women's Strength
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Today has been a very busy day and one which has been a bit upsetting for me. When a couple decides to have children, they should think and prepare for the way they will care for, teach and love their children. The children arrive and at some point so can divorce!
I just don’t understand how loving parents can throw their kids to the wayside because their marriages are ending.
Divorce is brutal, painful and exhausting….okay, I understand that only too well. What I don’t understand is how some parents can throw their children to the wolves during the divorce process!
I just had a session with a client, who was in tears because her children had advised her that daddy said,
“Spy on your mom and tell me about any conversations she has on the phone or in person. Go onto her computer. She saves her pass word so check who she is talking to on Facebook and find out what she is talking about. She keeps her bank records in her top drawer. Tell me what the balance is.”
How can any parent who loves a child do this? The only ones who are hurt with this kind of behavior are the children. Please, even if your soon to be ex-spouse resorts to this kind selfish behavior, don’t you.
Photo: Darrellbirkett