I need your help!

Ladies please, I need some of your input on the seminars that I will be offering. I would be really grateful, if you would do a few things for everyone who has been touched or knocked down by any of the subject matter that will be included in this series.


  • What days of the week and what two time periods do you think would be most convenient for the women calling in?
  • How long do you think the calls should be?
  • What subject matter and more specifically, what questions would you like to have answered by the experts? We will attempt to answer as many as possible without lengthening each call to more than 45 minutes.
  • Those of you who have referred friends, somehow some of the friend’s email addresses did not come through. Would you resend them?
  • Since state laws are different, would you take a minute to email me with where you live? (The state only.)
  • Please let me know where you heard about the teleseminars and where do you suggest that I place the information so that the greatest number of woman in need will find out about them?
  • Will you pass the word any way that you can? DO NOT, REPEAT, DO NOT pass the word via bulk mail or any type of SPAM!!


I would really appreciate any help or suggestions that you might give. I hope to reach as many women as possible and offer what each of them needs. Please email me at either of these addresses with whatever suggestions you have. claudia at claudiabroome.com or claudia at divorceforstayathomemoms.com thank you in advance. With your help, I am confident that we will make a difference and we will support each other any way we can.