Lynn Doyle and Jackie Collins on “MARRIED LOVERS”

I just viewed It’s your call with Lynn Doyle on CN8. Jackie Collins was one of her guests. She discussed her newest novel, MARRIED LOVERS. Most of us have read several (at least) of her books and know how well she invites her readers into the world of her characters. After reading several pages, your own life seems to stand still. Why? I believe it is because she almost hypnotizes her readers into believing that they are right there in the story. As I listened to her speak, I couldn’t help but think about Married Lovers in a very different context.

I hear so many tales about vulnerable women who have fallen prey to married men. It seems as though the common thread that ties these married men together is that they must have read the same guide on how to be unfaithful. The lines that are being related to me are so similar, it’s unbelievable. Here are a few of the scripts that are being used over and over all over the country:

  • “I am almost divorced. This usually means that he is thinking about it. He might be thinking about it but it’s usually while he is out on a date!

  • “My wife and I have an understanding. This usually means that she doesn’t understand that he is playing around.
  • “The mark on my left finger is from when I was married, years ago. Sure, that’s the ring he got at his wedding, years ago. He doesn’t say it’s in his pocket or that he will put it on before he goes home.
  • “My wife doesn’t understand me. I can’t leave her now because she is going through a tough time. Sure she is going through a tough time. She knows he’s being unfaithful.

Now I must add that I believe that there are many good men out there. Faithful and loving husbands do exist. I guess, I’m a bit jaded because I just don’t hear very much about that kind of man in my line of work!