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- 18
Jul -
Author : Claudia Category : Divorce Coach
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When I was a young woman, I weighed my options. For the most part, at least in my mind, it was an either or decision. Either I would work or I would be a mother.
When I became pregnant, my opinion changed. I thought I would do both. I managed to work after my first child was born because I had the flexibility of working during the hours that he was asleep. I was only away from him a couple of hours on the days I worked.
Then my second child was born and I couldn’t juggle my work schedule enough so that I could manage to be with both children during the majority of their waking hours. It was at that point that it became the either or decision. For me, the decision was a no brainer. I would be a stay at home mom.
As those of you who are regulars here know, I believe in the fact that being a stay at home mom is an admirable career choice. I must clarify that. I believe that if a woman makes that choice, she should also make to choice to take steps to protect herself financially, prior to leaving the work force.
It is also my opinion that women who decide to work after their children are born deserve to be commended also. It is not an easy choice but it certainly gives them a better chance to survive financially if and when divorce comes into play.
As we all know, Marissa Mayer is the newly named CEO of Yahoo. The best part of the story is that Yahoo hired her for the position, knowing that she is 6 months along in her pregnancy. Kudos to Yahoo and kudos to Marisa Mayer!
The message that this event sends is that a qualified woman shouldn’t have to hide her plans to have children. There are many women who want to do both and can do both!