Military Divorce for Stay At Home Moms

I have been thinking so much about Divorce For Stay At Home Moms as a specific generality, (Does that make sense?) that I overlooked some essentials. A stay at home mom, facing divorce, is a stay at home mom, facing divorce. Right?

I think not. Adding the military component to the equation well may contribute to even more devastation for the discarded wife. Proceeding through our legal system is difficult enough. Adding the government’s red tape to the nightmare, must be horrific!

Stay at home  mos are viewed as shiftless, by the courts already. After all, our choice of careers offered no monetary validation. How difficult it must be, for a stay at home mom, to deal with a divorce in the military? The whole judicial process must slow down to a decelerating snail’s pace, as the stay at home mom panics about her future.

Add to that, the fact that we, as civilians, attempt to support our troops in every other way, why would this be any different? She must sense the imbalance in the system and the disproportionate loyalty to the soldier.

Personally, I think that the military stay at home mom deserves a badge of courage!

On a positive note, there are a some wonderful resources for the military stay at home moms who are facing divorce. You may obtain free counseling from military attorneys but it is imperative that you obtain your own attorney for the divorce. The other important fact is that your soon to be ex may file in another state. Your best ammunition is knowledge. Please, use the tools that are available to you. Believe and do what has to be done! Good luck! We are here to help you.