More free books…To Have and To Hold Hostage or Divorce For Stay At Home Moms

So many of you have emailed me with your opinions on the title you like better BUT I also need to know:

  • Why you picked that title?
  • How long have you have been married?
  • How old you are?

I am going to add another 25 books to give away along with the first fifty so now we are up to 75 total! Remember that you will need to pay the postage. Also another reminder for those of you who do not want the book to arrive at your home, you can give the address of a friend or PO Box instead.

If any of you who are trying to be in the first 75 to win a free book…if you know of a specific charity that is dear to you, please let me know that and why. I am going to donate a portion of the proceeds of my book to a charity or charities.