A few still left!

There are still a few free books left…my decision is almost made about the book title. Please everyone, let me know why you made your choices and how long you have been married…thanks so much!

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Valentine’s Day…

My dear friends…only a quick note, I am on the move AGAIN! Here is a little hint…Don’t be held hostage on Valentine’s Day!

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More free books…To Have and To Hold Hostage or Divorce For Stay At Home Moms

So many of you have emailed me with your opinions on the title you like better BUT I also need to know: Why you picked that title? How long have you have been married? How old you are? I am going to add another 25 books to give away along with the first fifty so […]

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A compassionate ex-captive contributes!

This is a letter that came to me yesterday. This mom is such an example for all of us. She has taken her sadness and has turned it into a loving gift for moms who are living the life that she has been able to escape! For those of you who think you can’t get […]

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The first 50 copies free…

Please, everyone, I need all of the information that I requested including age and length of marriage…thanks to all of you for your input…there’s still time and a couple of copies left to give away!

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Which is more seductive?

This a very different kind of post. I am offering the first 50 copies of my book to any of you free of charge, if you help me with your opinions. You will need to pay for shipping. The first 50 to answer, will be the ones to get the first 50 copies, free. Which […]

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A frightening night in Philadelphia!

With all of the sadness in the news, I have a different tale to tell. I have been attempting to obtain a career, outside of being a SAHM because of my divorce. My story is a happy one. While attending a conference in Philadelphia, I got lost. Those of you, who know me, understand that […]

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Go Giants!!!!

The Giants won!!!! Who wants to rip apart Eli now????? He is MVP of Super Bowl 42 of 2008, so those of you who laughed, eat your words! David Tyree is an example of what happens when you believe that you can and then do what needs to be done. Please use this team as […]

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